

往蔵 稲史仁 矢作 彩子
板橋 一広 生源寺 寛幸
山口 英文 長谷川 真咲
福嶋 秀子 草木 義博



Size : 417mm ,175mm , 50mm
Support : Hinoki Shoten,Ltd.


3-ply small plates: kuru-kuru changes its expression by means of piling up.

Size : Φ105mm , 23mm

food box and small sake cups set This set will be used in a situation where familiar persons gather and enjoy a light meal and drinking. The white food box of mat texture gives accent to sake cups those are emitting rouge and luster.

山口 英文
Hidebumi Yamaguchi  Product Designer

Born in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated in the product design course of Tama Art University in 1990. 1990-1997, FUJITSU LIMITED. He was involved in design development of Hi-tech appliances such as a mobile telephone and supercomputer, and son on at FUJITSU .1997-1998, OUZAKDESIGN. Since 1998, representative of caro. Red Dot Award Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen Germany1998 Red Dot Mobile Computer1999 Red Dot for Highest Design Quality Mobile ScannerNumerous design have been selected for MITI GOOD DESIGN (JAPAN).

caroDESIGN 2-10-22 Nishi-machi,Kokubunji-shi,185-0035 Tokyo Japan TEL:+81(0)42-533-5367 MAIL:info@caro-design.com